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Andrews "on Stage" Kommentare

Verfasst: So 15. Aug 2010, 19:57
von DocSommer
Auf der Portalseite haben wir als Gag ein kleines Script eingebaut, welches zufällig ein Zitat ausgibt. Zur Zeit sieht der Datenbestand wie folgt aus:
$quotes[] = "Isn't it strange who turns up on a day like this. (London 1993)";
$quotes[] = "There are some strange looking people out here, I hope you're not with me. (London 1993)";
$quotes[] = "This is for the guy who looks like Rutger Hauer. (London 1993)";
$quotes[] = "When this is a civilized European city we'll be pleased to play here. Until such a time, we will walk the wire. (London 1998)";
$quotes[] = "We are the light at the end of your sorry little tunnel. (London 1998)";
$quotes[] = "What did you come as? We came as a rock 'n roll band. And a damn fine one. (London 1998)";
$quotes[] = "How diplomatic of me to have forgotten what this is all about...Giving Ground. (Hildesheim 2000)";
$quotes[] = "Anybody figured out yet why we like to play the least often in the places where the most crap is written about us?. (London 1998)";
$quotes[] = "More songs about sex violence and drugs. (Birmingham 1992)";
$quotes[] = "I can't see a goddamn thing so I love you all. (Ternat 2001)";
$quotes[] = "You don't even know what it is yet, chickenshit. (Stockholm 1985)";
$quotes[] = " could be worse, I could be telling you jokes. (Ternat 2001)";
$quotes[] = "Its not my fault I'm a skinny b*stard.";
$quotes[] = "Shut the fuck up!";
$quotes[] = "What did you come as? We came as a rock n' roll band, and a damn fine one.";
$quotes[] = "You're not Dutch, I know you're not Dutch, how do I know this? You've got Scottish written all over your bum. (Den Haag 1984)";
$quotes[] = "It's all a matter of technique. We have it, and you don't, so if you shut the fuck up, we'll play some songs and everyone'll be happy.";
$quotes[] = "We are also from the Land Of Lard, but of course we come from the better part of it";
$quotes[] = "Seid Ihr alle da? (Dresden 2009)";
$quotes[] = "Das Lied ist von meinem langhaarigen Freund da. (1984 vor Walk Away)";
$quotes[] = "Ihr seid hübsch.... Ihr seid teilweise seeeehr hübsch.... (Köln 2001)";
$quotes[] = "It will never rain again. (1998 vor Summer)";
$quotes[] = "This is a song about murder and our social disease. (1999 vor Romeo Down)";
$quotes[] = "Irgendwann mal. (X-mal nach Susanne)";
$quotes[] = "What did you come as?";
$quotes[] = "Enjoy the Puppet Show! (1993 vor Depeche Mode)";
$quotes[] = "How diplomatic of me to forget what this is all about... but then it's Mr. Easy-Going for ya (Hildesheim 2000)";
$quotes[] = "This is a song about the main land - you wouldn´t understand. (London 1999)";
$quotes[] = "This is called summer - 'cause we are that kind of people. (London 2000)";
$quotes[] = "Guru, where is my cloud?...Thank you!...That's not a very big cloud Guru.";
$quotes[] = "We're not here for conversation so just keep it quiet - and that includes you! (Stuttgart 1984)";
$quotes[] = "So schlimm wars nich, ne? Oder?...Doch! (Heidelberg 1990)";
$quotes[] = "I'm sure you're gonna hate this... (Reading 1991)";
$quotes[] = "It's good to work with you again! (Roskilde 1998)";
$quotes[] = "Tak, tak, tak - or should I say Danke schön? (Roskilde 1998)";
$quotes[] = "This is the sound of my dream! (Portugal 1999 vor Will I Dream)";
$quotes[] = "It´s ok, the government sent us! (San Francisco 1998)";
$quotes[] = "All right, more songs about drugs. (Hamburg 1991)";
$quotes[] = "Ich kenne Euch doch alle! (Hamburg 2006)";
$quotes[] = "OK hippy scum, here it comes. (Brixton 1983)";
$quotes[] = "Sagt mal, spinnt ihr oder was? This is not a fucking war! (Essen 1993 an die Ordner gerichtet)";
$quotes[] = "I've got 6 feet of steel here and I'm not afraid to use it. Thank you.";
$quotes[] = "You haven't changed since yesterday have you? (Brixton 1997)";
$quotes[] = "Anyone wanna jump my Train? ";
$quotes[] = "Meanwhile, back in the jungle!";
$quotes[] = "Now you want to know what we did on our holidays? (Boston 1999)";
$quotes[] = "It's not my fault I'm a skinny runt, I was born like this.";
$quotes[] = "They prove me right, they prove me wrong ... but they can never ... crash this song! ";
$quotes[] = "Welcome to the smelly city (Sheffield 1983)";
Die Zitate habe ich aus Sammelfreds im HL und dem alten PD Forum zusammengetragen. Wer noch weitere, lustige Einzeiler kennt, darf diese hier gerne posten - möglichst mit Ort/Jahresangabe. Leider fehlen diese Infos auch bei einigen Zitaten - vielleicht kennt da jemand zu den entsprechenden Stellen noch mehr Infos?

In der Sibiu/Rumänien Aufnahme hatte ich auch was herausgehört:

"Thank you for welcome us to your world and welcome to ours!"